New 2018 R2R Trail Maps Uploaded
The River to River Trail Society announces that the newly updated 2018 R2R Trail Maps have been uploaded to the Societies website and the Avenza Map Store this past week. The Society would like to thank the Shawnee National Forest Service team who assisted in making and updating these maps. The maps main changes feature new trail head parking lots, numerous added road names and better contour lines. There have been no new trail reroutes in this version, however the Forest Service is actively working on a significant reroute east of Owl Bluff in the Lusk Creek Wilderness.
Judging by the nearly 15,000 map downloads that have occurred in the past 12 months, the version 1 maps on the Avenza App have been very successful. The majority of those downloads came from the 405 trail enthusiasts that downloaded all 29 maps. The following is a summary of the downloads from the Avenza Map Store as of this past Wednesday April 24, 2019. Since uploading the version 2 maps on that same day there have been another 9 R2R Trail Bundle downloads.

The new maps can be downloaded from the Societies website at this link:
The new maps can be downloaded from the Avenza Map Store by searching the store for “River to River Trail Bundle”. It is recommend that the version 1 maps be deleted before downloading the version 2 maps.
Finally, a new updated version of the River to River Trail Guide is expected to be uploaded in the next month. We hope everyone finds the maps useful and enjoys their time in the Shawnee National Forest and we also look forward to another successful year with Version 2 of the maps.
2 Comments so far:
I can’t answer your question for sure because I don’t use Avenza for that, however I have recorded one track and all I had to do was relink that layer with the new R2R trail bundle. As a result, I know the tracks are stored as layers and I believe the POI’s are stored separate from the maps but I don’t have any POI’s stored in Avenza that I can check. You can always download the new version and have both until you are comfortable that the tracks with both versions of the maps. By the way, you can export the tracks and POI’s but it requires you purchase the Pro Version instead of the free version.
I have quite a few tracks and POI recorded on the v1 maps. If I update to the new bundle, will I lose my saved tracks and POI? I understand I am to delete the v1 maps first.