Dutchman Lake Work Day
The Trail Society is working together with the Back Country Horseman to try and clear the River to River Trail between Dutchman Lake and Twinz Lane. Some Society members hiked the trail late last year and confirmed that over 30 pines have fallen in the area making it extremely difficult to pass. This will be a continuation of our Nov 16, 2019 work day when 60-70 pine trees were removed from the north half of the woods.
The work day is scheduled for Saturday February 18, 2023 with an inclement weather date of the February 25. Workers will need to meet at the Forest Service Office in Vienna, IL at 8:30 in the morning and car pool to the trailhead at the end of Twinz Lane. There is limited parking along Twinz Lane. Certified chain saw operators from the Backcountry Horseman will be running chain saws to cut trees, volunteers will be needed to move the debris after it is cut to clear the trail. Bring appropriate clothing, gloves, snack, water and be prepared to hike up to 2-3 miles because it is a 1/2 mile hike to where the downed trees are located. The goal will be to clear the R2R trail west of Dutchman Lake. Please indicate your willingness to help by responding to this post and emailing William.gilmour@frontier.com so any updates can sent out by email. Thanks in advance.