Yesterday April 2, 2020 the Shawnee National Forest Service issued a closure order for some of the more popular sites in the Shawnee including Garden of the Gods and Bell Smith Springs. That order is provided below: Today, April 3, 2020 theRead More
Similar to the Tim Pohlman call to the STC last Thursday, the Trail Society got a call last Friday from Chad Deaton of the Shawnee National Forest Office. Chad asked the Trail Society to get the word out about the upcoming attemptRead More
The River to River Trail Society would like to thank Megan and the Shawnee National Forest crew that cut and cleared another 49 trees off the R2R trail. The trees were cleared between FR1917 and Bassett Road on Thursday. This section ofRead More
As President of the River to River Trail Society I received notification from the Forest Service that they rescinded the June 2019 trail closure on December 3, 2019. Upon receiving the notification that the closure was lifted, I inquired if the ForestRead More
The River to River Trail Society has coordinated a work day for Saturday November 16, 2019. Workers will need to meet at the Dutchman Lake boat ramp at 8:30 in the morning. The Shawnee Forest Service will have workers there with UTVRead More
Hi All: After discussing alternatives with the Forest Service on Friday, we agreed that the best place to try our first trail maintenance day we would be along the trail north of Iron Furnace. The plan is to meet at IronRead More
Hi all: I hope everyone has had a great and enjoyable summer. With the onset of fall and the fall hiking season approaching quickly the society has proposed to try and schedule a few service days this fall to help on trailRead More
The section of trail between the McCann Springs parking lot and the Big Muddy Levee near the Snake road parking lot at Winters pond is closed because that section of road is underwater due to flooding of the Big Muddy River. ItRead More
Boston University students visit to Shawnee National Forrest. Today (Tuesday March 12, 2019) I was privileged to meet and talk with 9 individuals from Boston University. Kelly Pearson (Forrest Service) asked that we (River to River Trail Society) speak with themRead More
The STC will be hauling gravel onto trail 405 to Indian Kitchen. This work should finish up the needed gravel. Ground crew and pack animals are always needed. Come join us and help maintain the trail system in the Wilderness. WorkRead More