Saturday, October 20th hike in One Horse Gap Area

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its third guided hike of the Fall, 2018 hiking season, on Saturday, October 20, in the North Benham Ridge area of Pope County. The hike is free and open to the public. This hike will be alongRead More

October 13, 2018 Dutchman Lake Hike Summary

Excellent New hike today, with Jim Todd as the leader. 21 total hikers, with 3 new..2 from Joppa. Started at the Vienna Ranger station, out to the Dutchman lake boat ramp area, then reduced down to 3 vehicles to the private-property “takeRead More

Saturday October 13 Hike at Dutchman Lake

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its second guided hike of the Fall, 2018 hiking season, on Saturday, October 13 at Dutchman Lake. The hike is free and open to the public. This will be a hike of moderate difficulty, between five andRead More

October 6, 2018 Cove Hollow Hike Summary

We had 21 total hikers on today’s’ warm initial hike, of the Fall 2018 hiking season. Very Well led by Mart Watson. We even had 3 new hikers. Welcome to them. All others were ‘returning pros’….Down to the “Tin Whistle” then backRead More

Saturday October 6th Hike at Cove Hollow

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its first guided hike of the Fall, 2018 hiking season, on Saturday, October 6. The hike will be on trail 001T in Cove Hollow, sometimes called “the Promised Land” by rock climbers, because of the towering bluffsRead More

2018 Spring Hiking Season Summary

Warning: Long Post. I just want to say a Huuuuge “Thank YOU”, to All the hike leaders this spring..Vicki Mosberger Ferguson & Gillum Ferguson, Bob Mulcahy, Steve Ryder, Steven Mitchell, Marcus Owens, David Cooper, Jim Todd, Bill Gilmour, Eric Johnson, Steve Gariepy,Read More

Saturday May 5, 2018 Lusk Creek Hike Summary

Well, we finished up the Spring 2018 hiking season in Fine Style. Marcus Owens & Steven Mitchell led 15 other hikers, divided into 2 groups, over trails in the Lusk Creek Wilderness. The original route had to be ‘scrapped’ and revised dueRead More

Saturday, May 5, 2018 Hike Announcement

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its ninth and final guided hike of the Spring, 2018 hiking season, on Saturday, May 5, in the Lusk Creek Wilderness in Pope County, Illinois. In order to comply with the rules of the U.S. Forest Service,Read More