March 9, 2019 Hike Summaries

Unfortunately both hike events scheduled for this past Saturday ended up being cancelled. The Crab Orchard Cemetery hike ended up being cancelled about Thursday because of a lack of interest. If you were really interested in this hike idea and want thisRead More

Saturday, March 16, 2019 Hike Announcement

The River-to-River Trail Society announces a guided hike on Saturday, March 16.  This hike will be free and open to the public. Hikers should meet at 10:00 a.m. at Backpackers Parking Lot, at Garden of the Gods Recreation Area. The hike willRead More

Saturday, March 9, 2019 Hike Announcement

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its first guided hikes of the Spring, 2019 hiking season, on Saturday, March 9, 2019. Both hikes are free and open to the public.      Hike number one will meet at the New Simpson-Tunnel Hill SchoolRead More

November 24, 2018 Rice Hollow Hike Summary

Talk about finishing the Fall 2018 hiking season on a High Note…WOW!!!…28 hikers on a Beautiful day, led by Vicki Mosberger Ferguson & Gillum ..took in Knights of the Golden Circle, Whiskey Cave, and other points…We had ’em from St. Louis, toRead More

Saturday, November 24, 2018 Rice Hollow

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its ninth and final guided hike of the Fall, 2018 hiking season, on Saturday, November 24, 2018. This will  be a hike of about four miles, from Knights of the Golden Circle to High Knob Road, byRead More

November 3, 2018 Wolf Den Hollow hike summary

We had a “Bakers Dozen” worth of hikers today at Cedar Lake in Jackson County. Very Well-led by Don Monty & Anne Gaylord. Anne identified lots of plants, and kept us all ‘on-time’. We had 3 new hikers..Welcome to them..Becky Marsh &Read More