Saturday, October 17, 2020 Hike Announcement

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its second hike of the Fall, 2020 hiking season at Ferne Clyffe State Park in Johnson County, on Saturday, October 14. The hike is free and open to the public, but because the size of the groupRead More

2020 Hiking Season Waiver

This post is for all of those signing up for fall hikes and hike leaders. Linked below is the waiver that all will be asked to sign prior to all of the hikes. Please take some time to review it prior toRead More

Saturday, October 10, 2020 Hike Announcement

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its first hike of the Fall, 2020 hiking season, at Pyramid State Park in Perry County, Illinois, on Saturday, October 10. The hike is free and open to the public, but spaces are limited for public healthRead More

2020 Spring Hikes

The River-to-River Trail Society regrets to announce that its remaining scheduled hikes for the 2020 spring hiking season will be cancelled. This includes the public hikes previously scheduled for March 28, April 4, April 11, April 18, April 25, April 26, and MayRead More

Saturday, March 21, 2020 Hike Announcement

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its third and fourth scheduled guided hikes for the Spring, 2020 hiking season on Saturday, March 21 and Sunday, March 22. These hikes are free and open to the public. For both hikes, hiking sticks and bootsRead More

Saturday, March 14, 2020 Hike Announcement

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its second guided hike of the Spring, 2020 hiking season on Saturday, March 14, from Williams Hill to Rudement, by way of Sally Hollow and Beech Hollow. This hike is free and open to the public.  TheRead More

Saturday, March 7, 2020 Hike Announcement

The River-to-River Trail Society announces its first scheduled hike of the Spring, 2020 hiking season, on Saturday, March 7. This hike is free and open to the public. The hike will proceed from High Knob to Resthaven, by way of Hurricane Bluff,Read More