The River-to-River Trail Society announces its 9th public hike of the 2022 fall hiking season on Nov. 12th on the Haystack, Blue Hole and Sasquatch Cave Loop (Gallatin County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a hike ofRead More
Sat Oct. 29th, members of The River to River Trail Society met at the Goreville City Park, Bill Gilmour, our leader for the day, led 11 other hikers, including a new hiker from Paducah, into various areas South of Goreville, including parts ofRead More
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its 8th public hike of the 2022 hiking season on Nov. 5th on the Crest Trail from Glen O Jones Lake to Stone Face (Saline County). This hike is free and open to the public. This willRead More
Saturday Sat. Oct. 22nd, Chris Drone led 18 other hikers from Sand Cave back to Hunting Branch. We had gathered at the Hunting Branch parking area, then carpooled over to Sand Cave. Sand Cave Is The Largest cave from sandstone in theRead More
Saturday The River-to-River Trail Society announces its 6th public hike of the 2022 Fall hiking season on Oct. 29th at the Bobcat Loop trail in the Ferne Clyffe State Park (Johnson County). This hike is free and open to the public. ThisRead More
Sat. Oct. 15th, 2022, Sam Morales led 17 other hikers from the Benham Ridge Trailhead. We condensed down into 4 vehicles and moved about 2 ‘very dusty’ miles on into the forest. On the hike, we went by such areas as theRead More
Saturday The River-to-River Trail Society announces its fourth public hike of the Fall 2022 hiking season on Saturday Oct. 22nd from Sand Cave to Hunting Branch (Pope County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a hikeRead More
On. Sat. Oct. 8th, hikers met at the Knights of the Golden Circle parking lot. Sam Morales, the leader, took 15 other hikers with him We only had 1 new hiker, who was from Marion, IL. We went to various formations, includingRead More
The River-to-River Trail Society announces its third public hike of the Fall 2022 hiking season on Saturday Oct. 15th in the Promise Land area (Pope County). This hike is free and open to the public. This will be a hike of moderateRead More
What a Wonderful day to start the Fall hiking season. Today on our 1st hike of the Fall 2022 hiking season, we met at the Heron Pond parking lot. Shawn Gossman led 16 other hikers, including several new hikers and 1 from Indiana,Read More