Excellent New hike today, with Jim Todd as the leader. 21 total hikers, with 3 new..2 from Joppa. Started at the Vienna Ranger station, out to the Dutchman lake boat ramp area, then reduced down to 3 vehicles to the private-property “takeRead More
We had 21 total hikers on today’s’ warm initial hike, of the Fall 2018 hiking season. Very Well led by Mart Watson. We even had 3 new hikers. Welcome to them. All others were ‘returning pros’….Down to the “Tin Whistle” then backRead More
33 people gathered on Sat. June 2nd, 2018 at the Harrisburg, IL. city park for the River to River Trail Societys’ Annual Meeting/National Trails Day picnic. A short business meeting was conducted, with Election of Officers for 2018-19 1st on the agenda,Read More
Warning: Long Post. I just want to say a Huuuuge “Thank YOU”, to All the hike leaders this spring..Vicki Mosberger Ferguson & Gillum Ferguson, Bob Mulcahy, Steve Ryder, Steven Mitchell, Marcus Owens, David Cooper, Jim Todd, Bill Gilmour, Eric Johnson, Steve Gariepy,Read More
Well, we finished up the Spring 2018 hiking season in Fine Style. Marcus Owens & Steven Mitchell led 15 other hikers, divided into 2 groups, over trails in the Lusk Creek Wilderness. The original route had to be ‘scrapped’ and revised dueRead More
I Wonder….Who Wasn’t ‘Out” today?? We had 26 hikers today, including a few new ones.that Bob Mulcahy led. We met at the Millstone Bluff parking lot, then loaded up into trucks, and moved over to just below Millstone lake…whereupon we walked acrossRead More
WOW!! YOU did it Again!!! (I Know..it isn’t b/c of me…😉….) But we had 29 hikers today. Big crowd for a West side hike. The Hardees’ parking lot was Packed until we left..Thank You to Don Monty & Anne Gaylord for leadingRead More
Rain quit, right exactly when we asked it to..13 showed up to hike..&we did., all nice & muddy, crossed Many streams, trails were even streams. Jim Todd led us today. Yeah, the ‘walk/slog” out…was tiring, but, all went well today in PantherRead More
What Snow??…Where?? When??? David Cooper led a Great hike today…a total of 20 met at the Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge office..and we moved 8 miles down the road to the Turkey Trail & Rocky Bluff Trail … Skies cleared, and, onceRead More
On Saturday’s hike from Giant City SP to the ghost town of Progress on Rocky Comfort Road we had 23 hikers. At least 3-4 of the hikers to were new to the R2R Trail Society hikes. Hike leader Steve Gariepy did anRead More